I’m Pregnant with Baby Number 2 — why I’m totally freaking out

Kat Merry
6 min readJan 26, 2024

You mean I need to do the newborn thing, all over again?

I’m pregnant…AGAIN. It was planned, I wanted this, we wanted this. I should be over the moon. Part of me is, of course! But that other part of me? Terrified. Scared…eh em, TOTALLY FREAKING OUT. So, I did what any Millenial woman does these days — I took to my journal and hashed out all my fears, so they would live on my computer rather than in my head for a little while.

Please read with caution and with love and if you’ve already conquered the two kid transition, maybe offer some encouragement?

I’m Going to Lose Another Chunk of my Brain

I don’t know about other moms, but when I had my son I quite literally lost my mind. As a writer, it’s important to stay focused, to stay in flow. Before my son, I was pretty good at it. Nay, I was pretty baller at just snapping into writing mode and pumping out some work everyday.

Then…BAM. It’s like my brain waves fringed into all different directions and between paragraphs and editing, I’m also googling developmental milestones, I’m making grocery lists, checking the baby monitor, and I basically am living a completely new parallel life with one half of my brain totally unrelated to anything about me, my career, or…



Kat Merry

eat, sleep, write // & i sprinkle in some mom stuff, too.